Saturday, June 26, 2010

Down South

I know, I don't post enough about the Southern Colorado environs. Let's see....we joined the Pueblo Athletic Club for the pleasures of the outdoor salt water pool. I admit, I am impressed by that salt water thing. The indoor pool and hot tub are also salt water. The outdoor pool is nice, not crowded, the snack shop could use a little direction on the gastronomical end, but it offers simple pool food that Puebloans expect for very little money Except the PB&J, which listed for $295. I don't know if that was a joke at $295.00, or it really is the most expensive menu item at $2.95.

In nearby environs: Colorado Springs is suffering the effects of that insufferable Douglas Bruce and the lack of tax revenues are drying up the grass, flowers and trees planted in various medians of that Fair City. You get what you pay for, people. Hope you enjoy your big 'tax break' brought to you by a 60-year-old closeted juvenile who lives in his mother's basement and has anger and authority issues.

Teabaggers also had a rousing meeting in Colorado Springs, commanding about 17 folks. The spokesperson on my local channel talked about making people aware of the freedoms they are losing (didn't elaborate on that - outside of the Bush Patriot act and warrantless wiretapping, what other freedoms am I losing?), the medium camera shots of the predictably misspelled signs about Obama being an islamoabortionististmarxist commiestalanist, nothing to see here. All the same slogans and meaningless jargon. I wish these people would start protesting the GoBP as they should.

There are several July 4th parties coming up this week and a Farmer's Market on Thursday. Heading to Denver for the first time in awhile the week of the 4th.

I read that BP has purchased 32 of the reclamation machines built by Kevin Costner and his brother.  Which reminds me: Kick "Dick" Cheney is hospitalized this weekend. I hope he's o.k. It would be a shame for him to pass on before he has that come-to-Jesus meeting he so sorely needs for screwing this country in so many ways. Good luck with that, Dick.

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